Inheritance Law

The core area of our notar­i­al prac­tice in the field of inher­i­tance law com­pris­es the draft­ing of tes­ta­men­tary dis­po­si­tions. Our notaries are avail­able to assist clients in this area in the draft­ing of indi­vid­ual wills, joint wills between spous­es or also in the draft­ing of inher­i­tance con­tracts between unmar­ried per­sons — often in com­bi­na­tion with life­time trans­fers or as part of arrange­ments gov­ern­ing a com­pa­ny suc­ces­sion. The rights of third par­ties to a com­pul­so­ry por­tion are also fre­quent­ly an impor­tant ele­ment of deeds in the case of tes­ta­men­tary dis­po­si­tions, however.

In addi­tion, our notaries are avail­able to assist clients seek­ing legal assis­tance in all ques­tions relat­ing to the dis­claimer of suc­ces­sion. This applies both to the pre­req­ui­sites of a dis­claimer and its con­se­quences. Final­ly, in many cas­es our notaries cer­ti­fy appli­ca­tions for the grant­i­ng of a cer­tifi­cate of inher­i­tance or — and this is increas­ing­ly the case when for­eign assets are involved — appli­ca­tions for the issue of a Euro­pean Cer­tifi­cate of Succession.

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