Focused on the essentials.

The main focus of our attor­neys’ prac­tice is advis­ing and act­ing as legal coun­sel for medi­um-sized and large com­pa­nies in the South West­phalian SME sec­tor. We work in all areas of com­mer­cial and cor­po­rate law and, when­ev­er need­ed, pro­vide sup­port for all of your busi­ness ven­tures through­out the world. Thanks to our cor­re­spon­dent attor­neys in Ger­many and abroad, we and our clients can rely on expert sup­port in a glob­alised world at all times.

The notary publics at our office are at your dis­pos­al to per­form any and all notari­sa­tion relat­ed trans­ac­tions. Core areas include the notari­sa­tion of real estate con­tracts and the broad field of con­tracts requir­ing notari­sa­tion in the areas of com­mer­cial and cor­po­rate law. But also the draft­ing of wills and inher­i­tance deeds, fam­i­ly law doc­u­ments such as prenup­tial agree­ments and con­tracts lay­ing down the con­se­quences of divorce as well as pow­ers of attor­ney and liv­ing wills are among the offi­cial trans­ac­tions that we perform.

Our clients and cor­re­spon­dent con­sul­tants appre­ci­ate our readi­ness and abil­i­ty to pre­cise­ly analyse under­ly­ing facts and cir­cum­stances and not only eval­u­ate these facts from a legal point of view, but also to find a viable solu­tion from a tech­ni­cal and eco­nom­ic point of view. At the same time, we always strive to find a prac­ti­cal solu­tion for our clients. Our attor­neys and notary publics con­sid­er this approach in our work to be all about focus­ing on the essen­tials as a mat­ter of course.

Dr. Andreas Schön

Attoney at law
and­No­tary Public

Tim Holzhauer

Attoney at law
and­No­tary Public

Dr. Sebastian Link

Attoney at law
and­No­tary Public

Anne Beer

Attoney at law